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Global Literacy
Digital Literacy

When digital storytelling is used by students, it provides a strong foundation in many different types of literacy, including information literacy, visual literacy, technological literacy, and media literacy. Summarizing the work of several researchers in this field, Brown, Bryan and Brown labeled these multiple skills that are aligned with technology as “Twenty-First Century Literacy,” described as the combination of:


Empowering students with the ability to communicate with an ever-expanding community to discuss issues, gather and process information, and seek help;


The goal with digital literacy is to use technology "effectively, creatively and wisely."

Our students will learn:

  • effectivness - to master technological skills

  • creativity - to use technology as an imagination amplifier

  • wisdom - to see and evaluate technology and its impacts within the larger context of community.


Media fluency: The ability to use a number of media to create a coherent and compelling narrative.

Giving the students the capacity to read, interpret, respond, and contextualize messages from a global perspective;

Teaching students to develop the ability to use computers and other technology to improve learning, productivity, and performance;

Teaching the students to understand, produce, and communicate through visual images;

Technology Literacy
Visual Literacy

21st Century Skills

Teaching the students to find, evaluate and synthesize information.

Information Literacy
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